Sunday, October 22, 2017

October 22nd - Compromises

Start Quote
Whether you're single, married, with children or without,
it's not possible to get through the day 
without agreeing to at least one compromise.

There are little compromises...
and there are bigger ones... 

Tolerable compromises are those we enter into fully
- with complete knowledge in advance 
of exactly what we're surrendering. 

The other kind of compromises
- the ones many of us make day in day out -
are the strong, silent type.

They're strong because we're stuck with them 
and silent because they're unconscious or unspoken. 

Compromises are the art of the bottom line.
We can bend only so far and then we break.

Knowing just how far you can bend is the first step 
in making sane agreements, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. 

The more complicated life becomes,
the simpler your bottom line must be...

If you didn't need it to survive, it
- whatever "it" is -
wouldn't be a need.
Then it would be a want.

Unfortunately "wants" are the currency of compromise.
I want, you want, we all want, which is why we bargain. 
 Keep in mind that your want might be another's legitimate need.

The best compromises, like a workable lifestyle, 
cover all your needs while satisfying a few of your wants.

If you dread it, don't agree to it.
If you do end up doing it despite your dread, 
you'll despise the whole deal, 
including the woman who agreed to it:

Be affable. 
Try to see the other person's point of view.
Be flexible.
Be as generous as you can without gagging.
Ask that the highest good for all parties be achieved.
Trust your instincts. 
Pay attention to physical clues, especially your gut...

Above all, follow Janis Joplin's advice:
"Don't compromise yourself.
You are all you've got."
End Quote

This is my mind set right now.


And that was my day.

Gratitude Journal

1) Today is over. Finally.

2) We only have three kids...three screaming crying kids.

3) Crafts. Crafts keep me sane.

4) And music. Music also keeps me sane.

5) Robbie. I couldn't do this without him.

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