Saturday, October 21, 2017

October 21st - Comparisons

"Let me remember that each life must follow its own course,
and that what happens to other people 
has absolutely nothing to do with what happens to me."

We've talked about comparisons before,
and today we elaborate.

Start Quote
Comparisons are irresistible 
but insidious, odious, and very often our self-torture of choice. 

Today, let's meditate on not coveting our neighbor's 
husband, figure, home, clothes, income, or career. 
Not to mention her accomplishments, achievements,
awards, recognition, and fame...

We really don't care if most of the world has more than we have,
we only care that "she" has and we have not...

Whoever she is, she's the devil in disguise,
because you insist on measuring your 
life, success, bank account, and self-worth 
against hers...

This is not good.
This is not enlightenment.
We're grown women.
We're bigger than this.

Aren't we?...

Comparisons hurt us in profound ways.
They undermine our confidence
Shut down our flow of creative energy.
Short-circuit our access to Power.
Deplete our self-esteem.
Suck the life force from our marrow.

Coveting destroys what is Sacred within.

Instead of comparing yourself to another woman,
why not just take a wet leather lash and beat yourself senseless?
It's easier to recover from physical abuse 
than self-inflicted psychic brutality.

The next time you're tempted to 
compare your life to another's,  
pause for a moment. 

Remind yourself, over and over, 
that there is no competition on the spiritual plane.

The blessings your "nemesis" has received
also can be yours as soon as you are really ready to receive 
with an open heart all the good fortune created 
just for you. 
[Which means it probably won't be the same,
but it will be for you and what you need and want.]

And when will that be?
As soon as you can bless the woman you secretly curse;
as soon as you can give thanks 
for her happiness and success as much as your own 
because it demonstrates the abundance of Real Life.
End Quote

Two of my friends are selling their homes, and so like the curious little duck that I am I looked at the pictures on the realtor site...

Oh my goodness.

You guys, they're homes are literally picture perfect.
Like homes you see on pintrest and in magazines. 

I'll admit, I compared their homes to mine for just a second. 

But it was just a second. 

Because in the next second I said wow, 
they created something so beautiful and I'm really happy for them, 
and I know they'll make something beautiful of their next homes too. 

And the second after that I was grateful for my home, 
and all that I've been able to make of it. 

Yep, I don't have the money or time to decorate my home 
as beautifully as theirs. But it'll come in it's own time, 
and for now I'm just going to enjoy it the way it is. 

Because if I can't be happy with what I have, 
will enough ever really be enough?

Gratitude Journal

1) My mom. She's pretty amazing. Not only did she help me with the kids this morning during our 5K, she then cleaned my guest bathroom. I love this woman.

2) Exercise! 

3) I got to pet a horse today. They are magnificent creatures.

4) I'm not feeling well, again, but it came on after the morning madness so I could rest the rest of the day. And tomorrow is Sunday! If I don't feel better, well there you go, another day of rest.

5) Getting laundry done AND putting it a boss. It is an amazing feeling.

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