Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29th - Tithing

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Another step toward financial serenity is taking on a "Silent Partner" with a vested interest in your prosperity.

This is done through tithing... 

When you tithe, you acknowledge and honor the true Source of your supply. Tithing is an ancient spiritual tradition and a universal prosperity law used by the great wealthy ensure abundance. 

Unless you were raised in a spiritual tradition that honors tithing, such as Judaism and Mormanism, you may be unfamiliar with the practice and uncertain about what it involves...

Spiritual law, no matter which path, tells us as we give, so shall we receive. We realize that money is a form of energy. Energy does not increase if it's hoarded. Energy must circulate freely for power to be released. When we receive an increase of money in our lives, giving away a portion of that money keeps the channels of abundance circulating freely, as Spirit intended. 

On a practical level, tithing allows us to express our thanksgiving with action...

Tithing will make you more magnetic to money, whether you believe it or not...When I tithe, I experience more financial serenity than when I don't. The money seems to stretch further or my expenses diminish. When I tithe I'm able to save more with ease, and new moneymaking opportunities arrive, often unsolicited. The floodgates of heaven do shower me with blessings...

When I don't tithe, I'm not struck down, but I do start to worry about money. There seem to be longer stretches between bank deposits and more unexpected expenses, which always end up costing me more than the amount my tithe would have been. So I know it's time to write a check. 

Wait and watch what happens. 
Very quickly, the ebb recedes and the flow begins again.
[I think not.]

Some people say if you don't have much money to spare, it's just as good to tithe your time or goods. It's been my discovery that when I tithe time, I receive more time. When I tithe goods, I receive gifts...

When we're in great financial straits, we think we can't afford to tithe. 
But when our financial needs are great, can we afford NOT to try tithing? 
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I bear my testimony that tithing has always been a blessing in my life. I have always paid it, even when it was dimes because of a few dollars I made when I was a kid. Tithing has never been a difficult commandment for me to keep, it's easy for me to understand that all of my blessings come from God and if all he asks for is 10% of my earnings then I will happily give it. 

Whoa! You might say, 10%? Yeah, on the gross, before taxes. 
If you've never paid tithing you might think "How in the world am I supposed to live then?"... don't just take my word for it, but I promise you it's worth it. 

Also, I know where my tithing money is going, and that no one is paid in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for their service so it's not going to some one's personal pockets. 

I have always been blessed with what I need, 
and sometimes when we look at the budget we do the math and say
"I know we're not stupid, we can do simple math, we should not have saved all that we did..." and I know it's because we pay our tithing and God is blessing us.

And what a great time to have this day on tithing, 
since tithing settlement is upon us!

If you don't know where to tithe, check out some charities and make sure you know where your money is going. 
A good charity is the Perpetual Education Fund.

Also, if you're still confused about this whole finance thing, 
the church has some great self reliance stuff, and there's a link to the perpetual education fund on the left.

Gratitude Journal

1) Halloween is almost over. Halloween is a little difficult with three toddlers.

2) Musicals.

3) Actually getting to church on time.

4) Family history! I'm actually starting to do it!

5) Left overs...means no cooking.

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