Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30th - Money Magnet

Start Quote
The path to personal wealth is 
regular saving and sharing, 
controlling expenditures, 
living debt free, 
increasing prosperity through prudent investment, 
protecting the bulk of your wealth from loss, 
owning property, 
establishing a future income for old age,
and increasing the ability to earn money through perseverance

During the late 1920s and the Depression years of the 1930s,
many banks and large insurance companies distributed free pamphlets explaining these ancient laws of thrift and personal wealth through parables written by George S. Clason

In 1955 a collection of them was published as 
The Richest Man in Babylon, becoming an inspirational classic...

[Here's some history for you.]

The first of the Babylonian secrets for achieving personal wealth was to "Start thy purse to fattening." This is accomplished by taking a part of all one earned - not less than ten percent - and claiming it as one's own. 

This money was kept in a purse usually worn at the waist.

The purpose of the purse wasn't simply to save money
but to act as a money magnet,
endowing its owner with a sense of financial serenity as it grew fatter.
 When the purpose of the purse became too heavy to wear, some of the money could be transferred to a larger savings chest and used for lending, trading, acquiring property, and making investments. 

But a portion of the money remained in the purse to attract more. 
Babylon's richest always kept a fat purse close by 
as physical proof of their prosperity. 

[Fortunately you don't have to keep it at your waist for everyone to see.]

Creating a money magnet is a fabulous psychological ploy to jump-start a sense of financial serenity if you're worried about money. A money magnet is not a savings account; it's in addition to the money you deposit in your savings account. You keep your money magnet close at hand so that you can see your prosperity - touch it or count it as often as you like. You need some money that is completely yours, which is why the existence of your money magnet is to be kept secret. It's not intended to pay the pizza delivery boy.

A symbolic money magnet that's a personal favorite is to carry a hidden $100 bill in addition to whatever money I think I need when I go out. The reason for this is that, no matter what happens, I'll always have $100 to spend as I wish or for emergencies. But it must be a $100 bill, not merely $100. You'll spend $100, but you'll rarely break a $100 bill. (At least I won't.) This way you always feel abundant without spending money. 

It's a terrific reconditioning tool to teach us that 
abundance must occur in our minds 
before it can manifest itself in our lives.
End Quote

Okay! I guess I need to go to the bank and get a hundred dollar bill. 

I guess we'll see if it really works.

Gratitude Journal

1) Easy and quiet days when I'm not feeling well.

2) Robbie helping so much around the house.

3) Tomorrow is Halloween! I'm glad it's finally here!

4) A washer and dryer, and doing laundry in the middle of the night so costumes can be clean for tomorrow.

5) Books. Our books have been out in the garage since we moved here, because we haven't had a bookshelf and the kids have just now started to respect books and not tear them apart. Robbie got all 6 boxes of books out so we can switch them out, and now I have some new books until our bookshelf is built. Thank goodness for new reading material. Well, not new. I've read them all, but it's been a long time.

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