Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 31st - Magic

It's finally here!!! 


Today Sarah takes the time to remind us that there is magic all around us.

Start Quote
I believe Halloween is the perfect reminder that 
Magic flows through us, [and] mystery infuses 
every encounter of the day. 

We conjure up the shoe that cannot be found anywhere in the house, transform leftovers into a feast, coax bounty from barren earth, banish fear, heal hurts, make money stretch till the end of the month. 

We carry, cradle, nurture, and sustain life. 
We do all this and much more.
But most women are not aware of their tremendous power for good.
We are asleep to our Divinity...

Isn't magic what you're performing when you create an authentic lifestyle for yourself and those you love? Aren't you shaping unseen forces with your creativity and soulcrafts, bringing into the physical world through passion what has only existed in the spiritual realm? If you can do this unconsciously, how much more could you accomplish if you were fully aware of your powers? 

O daughter...much power has been gifted you.
It is the power of Love
Tonight by candlelight or by the light of the full moon in your backyard, commit to use your power wisely for the Highest Good of all. 

You have no idea of the countless lives you touch in the course of your lifetime.

Souls searching for Wholeness that could be healed with the magic at your command...
 End Quote

I will always dress up. 
No matter how old I am. 

I hope you'll do the same.

It's quite magical.

 Have fun and be safe tonight!

Gratitude Journal

1) My mother-in-law was able to watch the kids for me this morning.

2) I loved helping in Jacob's class. The kids thought I was an elf... Jacob and I had fun earth bending and air bending, and the other kids just laughed.
 3) Candy tax.

4) Spending quality time one on one with Jacob.

5) Nap. I didn't want to take my hair and makeup off to lay down, but I needed a nap, so I decided to risk it. And there is not one hair out of place, because I'm magic.

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