Saturday, November 18, 2017

November 18th - Friends

I have been very blessed to have such amazing friends in my life.
People who love me, people who would drop everything to come to my aid, and that I would do anything for. They love me, and I love them. Real love, loving the good and the bad, missing them like crazy, literally I couldn't live without them. 

I'm one lucky girl.
Start Quote
Angels aren't our only constant reminders of Divinity's devotion 
to our emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. 
So are our friends.

Angels bestow grace and perform miracles; so do our friends.
Angels are Divine messengers; so are friends.
God speaks to us through all those intimate chats, conversations, and confessions. Probably because, if we'll listen to anyone, it's to a pall who loves us unconditionally and is committed to our happiness.

Our friends are the jewels in our crown of contentment.

We need to treat them as preciously as we truly hold them in our hearts. 

There are many ways to do this. 
Rituals of friendship are especially meaningful.
Take each other out for festive birthday lunches.
Share your favorite books.
Read one simultaneously, then get together once a month for afternoon tea or coffee just to discuss it.
Be on the lookout for newspaper and magazine articles, recipes, and cartoons you can clip or photocopy and drop them in the mail.
Remember friends with cards and thank-you notes.
Brief, encouraging notes when tough times hit will be treasured, even more than phone calls...
Go on walks together...
[And on and on and on, etc etc etc.]

Above all, let your friends know how much you love them.
Tell them frequently how much you treasure the gift of their friendship.
Sadly, significant others come and go. Children grow up.
 Parents die. Siblings are separated by distance.

 But our friends are the continuous threads 
that help hold our lives together. 

Cherish your friends,
not only in thought but in action.

"Friends are people who help you be more yourself...
more the person you are intended to be."
End Quote

I love my friends. 
Sometimes I wish they could just come live with me.
Sometimes we joke we could be sister wives...
but with separate husbands...
I try to tell them as often as I can how much I love and appreciate them.
I hope they know.

Gratitude Journal

1) Friends.

2) Family.

3) The Office

4) My mom brought us soup. All three kids caught my little cold.

5) Robbie trying to take care of me when I was super pissy today.

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