Sunday, November 19, 2017

November 19th - Strangers

Start Quote
In the Bible, the angels who intervened in the lives of human were most often strangers who appeared on the scene just once, gave assistance, and then disappeared as mysteriously as they arrived.

From all the published firsthand accounts, 
the standard angelic operating procedure 
hasn't changed in five thousand years.
From this day forward, start becoming consciously aware 
of your encounters with strangers. 

Look for them. Smile. Make eye contact. Strike up a conversation. 
 You never know.

Even if it's not an angelic encounter, it might be a celestine moment...

Never turn down a stranger's offer of help, 
unless you're alone in a dark, secluded place, 
where you shouldn't be in the first place.  

Life is hard for many women. 
But gradually, I'm becoming aware 
that it's really not as hard as we make it. 
One of the reasons real life is difficult is that we don't ask for assistance
- from family, friends, co-workers, strangers. 
We feel uncomfortable, as if asking for help is confirmation 
that we're completely inept or spongers. 

Stop the rather self-centered assumption that a little help is too much to ask for. Because we become a burden only when we're overwhelmed by our own hubris and have to rely on others to bear our load as well as their own. 

Be kind to strangers. Let strangers be kind to you. 
Think of it as a positive exchange of comfort and compassion in the circle of life.

Remember, as St. Paul reminds us, "Some have entertained angels unaware." And some of us have encountered them without knowing, sending them away before receiving their blessing.
End Quote

I used to hate asking for help. 
But after I had kids, and I literally couldn't do everything.
And then when I was on bed rest, not just once, but twice,
I literally couldn't do anything.
It literally forced me to accept help. 
Robbie cleaned the house and did every errand, 
other people had to watch Jacob every day for well over a month.

And I've been asking for help and accepting it ever since. 
It has made me humble and also less selfish,
because I know how much it means to me when I receive help
and so it is easier for me to make the time to help others. 

Lets all just be nice to one another, yeah?

Gratitude Journal

1) Sleep. I woke up with that cold bothering me again, and all three kids had an awful runny nose, so we all stayed home today and slept. Lots of sleep.

2) Showers, shampoo, amazing.

3) Spending time with Robbie.

4) Cuddles with my kids. They get awful cuddly when they're sick.

5) It's just a cold. It could be so much worse, it could be a sinus infection.

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