Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23rd - Thanksgiving

Start Quote
As the table is set, my heart gratefully remembers the legacy of love and tradition represented in the talismans of freshly laundered linens, sparkling crystal, and gleaming china. The silver shines, the candles glow, the flowers delight us with their beauty.

This is good.
This is very good.
Let us hold fast to this authentic moment of Simple Abundance.
Let us cherish this feeling of complete contentment.
Let us rejoice and praise the Giver of all good....

Come, my thankful sisters, come.
Offer grace for the bounty of goodness.
Raise the song of harvest home, the glass of good cheer,
the heart overflowing with joy.
We have so much for which to be thankful.
So much about which to smile, so much to share.
So much, that in this season of plenty, 
we can embrace the season of relinquishment. 
All we have is all we need.

O beloved Spirit, truly you have given us so much, 
an extravagance of riches. 
Give us, we pray, one thing more. 
The gift of grateful hearts. 
Hearts that will not forget what You have done. 
End Quote

I have so much to be grateful for. 
My heart is overflowing.

Gratitude Journal

1) Good family.

2) Not just one dinner with families, two! Two delicious Thanksgiving dinners.

3) Good food, and plenty of it.

4) My mom.

5) An unexpected break from the kids.

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