Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 22nd - Meditation for Bad Girls

Does anyone else really really want to see
Bad Moms and A Bad Moms Christmas? 

If they were not rated R, and they were clean,
I would totally see them.

The movies, and trailers are not for everyone. 
I can't even put the trailers here, because there's some inappropriate stuff in them.
But the idea is so true. I am so tired of trying to be a perfect mom.
I'm so tired of being judged by others saying that I'm not good enough
 for trying my best. 

So lets face it. If they world is going to tell us we're bad, 
then let's be bad.

Start Quote
Bad girls know it's not the cards you're dealt but how well you play your hand...
Bad girls don't just want to have fun, they make sure they do...

Most of us are only bad girls in our dream.
But there's a pattern in the bad-girl lifestyle that deserves contemplation. 
Bad girls buy what they want to buy, eat what they want to eat, 
wear what they want to wear, sleep when they want to sleep.
Bad girls do not have therapists because they don't need them.
Instead, bad girls have housekeepers and masseuses.

Bad girls realize this isn't a dress rehearsal.
Real life is what you make of it.

Rita Hayworth

You can be bad. You can be good. 
You just sure as hell better be authentic.
End Quote

Mae West

So yeah, if it's bad to feed my kids McDonald's when we're all sick instead of making homemade chicken noodle soup, then yeah I'm a bad mom. If it's bad that I fed my kids cereal for like 2 weeks straight for breakfast, and not the healthy kind, then yeah I'm a bad mom. If it's bad that I need a break from my kids at least once a week, then yeah, I'm a bad mom. If it's bad that I don't completely cater to my children's every whim and pay attention to them every waking moment, then yeah I'm a bad mom.

Let's just not judge. 
And lets all be a little bad.

Not bad like breaking laws bad.
No child abuse, no going on a killing spree...

But buy something for yourself. 
Go to dinner with a best friend and gorge on sushi.
Dress up just to drop the kids off at school or go to the grocery store.
If you're sexy then flaunt it, but tastefully of course.
Put the tv on for the kids for an hour, or two, 
so you can get some peace and quiet. 
Make mac'n'cheese from a box and frozen chicken nuggets for dinner.

Ava Gardner

The world has many mixed views on what is bad and what is good.
Don't listen to them.
No matter what you do, someone is going to be upset.
With the world, you'll never win.

Figure out what's good and bad for yourself,
and be authentic.
It's as simple as that.

Gratitude Journal

1) Bartering! 

2) Help, lots and lots of help. Because she helped, we got the entire kitchen cleaned, top to bottom. Crazy awesome.

3) Having a clean kitchen. Knowing it's clean, smelling clean, looking clean, feeling clean, it's just amazing.

4) Naps in the middle of the day. If I didn't take a nap, life wouldn't happen. I would not survive.

5) Finally! Thanksgiving is here! I can't wait, I feel like I've been waiting forever.

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