Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 26th - What Doesn't Kill Us

Who doesn't love Kelly Clarkson?

Who hasn't heard the phrase 
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?

Some disagree, and argue that what doesn't kill you actually makes you weaker, and we need to be able to admit when we are weak.

I totally agree. We need to become aware of our weaknesses
and not work ourselves to death.
I also agree with the phrase, because if you let them the trials of your life will make you a better person, therefore, stronger.

Start Quote
Some nights waves of weariness beat against our brains, 
crash against our hearts, wash over our bodies,
threatening to erode our best defenses 
like sand dunes upon the shore.

The water is cold, dark, and deep.
Diversions that have worked in the past
- drink, drugs, food, sex, shopping, work -
now obscure a dangerous undertow.

Nothing seems to hold back the tide.

We need someone to throw us a line, 
to rescue us from drowning in disappointment.

When these nights come and I find I'm stranded alone on the beach of faltering belief, I have found refuge in a very centering and comforting prayer by Dame Julian of Norwich, a thirteenth-century English mystic:

This simple affirmation of faith is especially comforting because it seems to console the dark submerged sadness of the inexplicable, the unexpressed, the unresolved, the unfair and the undeniable that stalk my soul after I close my eyes.

I'll say the prayer over and over again softly, under my breath like a mantra, not trying to understand the meaning of the words because I can't.

Some mysteries are beyond our comprehension.
Some mysteries we will never solve. Never know.

So instead of trying to make sense of it all, 
I'll simply let the Spirit of the words 
soothe my frazzled mind and harried heart until sleep comes. 

Sometimes we can't make sense of it. 
Sometimes none of it makes sense.
Sometimes it just is. 

But if we can hold on long enough for this night to give way to another day, all shall be well, even if it's different from what we had expected. Even if it's different from what we had hoped for and believed with all our hearts would happen.
End Quote

Everything is going to be okay, no matter what,
even if it doesn't feel like it. 

 Let it make you a better person,
let it make you stronger 
(even if that seems completely impossible or even improbable). 

Because if it doesn't kill you...

Gratitude Journal

1) Coming home.

2) Stuffed animals. They can bring such comfort. Poor Chase was a wreck, we assume because he was tired, and so we left for home. He refused to let go of his stuffed kitty, so my mom let him keep long as he doesn't lose it. I'm not sure if we can do that, because he lost his bear that had been handed down that was Robbie's. I keep thinking I'll find it, to no avail. Hopefully we don't lose kitty.

3) Good music.

4) I learned so much going to church today.

5) The Spirit of God burning in my heart, testifying of the truthfulness of the gospel.

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