Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27th - Naps

I love naps.

Sleep in general is amazing.

But naps...naps are magical.

 Start Quote
A nap is not to be confused with sleeping.
We sleep to recharge our bodies.
We nap to care for our souls.

When we nap, we are resting our eyes while our imaginations soar.
Getting ready for the next round.
Sorting, sifting, separating the profound from the profane,
the possible from the improbable...
This requires a prone position.
If we're lucky, we might drift off, but we won't drift far.
Just far enough to ransom our creativity from chaos. 

Where to have a proper nap?
Your own bedroom. On the living room couch...
Or in a hammock. On a chaise lounge.
Under an umbrella on the beach. 
In a wingback chair in front of a fire.

How long do we nap?
One hour at the very least.

How do we do this if we have small children at home?
We nap when they nap. 

But they don't nap, you say.
[Well] they do now.

How do you nap at the office?
Unfortunately, you don't, unless you shut the door 
and put your head on the desk for a quickie.
Usually this is reserved for when our 
eyes are sizzling out of their sockets.
Which makes the tradition of the Sunday nap all the more essential.

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, 
napping is not optional.

How do you begin this tradition?
Sunday at three o'clock, after the potatoes are peeled and the roast is in the oven, you disappear up the stairs or down the hall.
Reassure them you will be back...
Now crawl under the covers.
Good. You've done it.

"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap,"
Carrie Snow insists.
No day is so good that it can't be made better 
End Quote

I'll admit, right now naps are more sleep for me then they are anything else. I literally pass out because I can't stay awake anymore. 

But either way, naps are still wonderful.

Gratitude Journal

1) I had forgotten, yesterday on our way home we almost hit a deer. Well, we did hit it, but we didn't go off the road, and it didn't go over the car or anything. It was just waltzing into the road. I was so grateful that Robbie didn't swerve us off the road. And the car was unharmed. I'm so sad we probably killed a deer though...

2) Getting plenty of rest today.

3) Finally going on a walk with my friend after like 2 weeks!

4) Freezer meals! I'm so grateful that I didn't have to make dinner.

5) Snack food.

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