Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 28th - Daydreams

Start Quote
Were you admonished 
in no uncertain terms 
during your wonder years 
to get your head out of the clouds? 
Quit daydreaming?

Unfortunately, so was I. 

It's taken me three decades to unlearn the impulse to be practical.
Just imagine what you might have accomplished if only you'd been 
encouraged to honor your creative reveries as spiritual gifts. 

Daydreams are the fertile soil in which our imaginations 
flourish and reach for the Light. 
Daydreams incubate creativity and make possible 
reveries, visualization, and maybe even visions. 

A lot of people think that daydreams are fantasies, 
but fantasies possess a sense of improbability and often danger. 
Fantasies are perfectly healthy...and they're very therapeutic. 
Fantasies allow our shadows to act out our unacceptable tendencies in the safety of a protective inner hologram...

We must enter a daydream - willingly suspend conscious thought of reality with our eyes open - before we can experience the joy of reverie...Reveries seem to be experienced through a scrim, a gauzy curtain, just beyond the other side of consciousness. Reveries are always pleasurable but take time. I need at least fifteen minutes of active daydreaming before I can enter the reverie zone. You'll know you've experienced one if you feel as if you've been pulled back into your body when you're snapped out of it.

Visualizations are daydreaming's virtual reality:
a deliberate, positive scene-setting of what you'd like to see happen in your future. When we visualize, we make the interior scene as realistic and detailed as possible, coloring the scene with the senses until what we are viewing is so realistic it triggers an emotional response...Since the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between reality and virtual reality, deliberate visualization over a period of time usually results in the desired end. The subconscious mind is the soul's servant; it willingly sets in motion whatever behavior and circumstances are necessary to manifest physically the desired program. The pulse of the subconscious is belief. If you truly believe it, you'll eventually see it in your life...

I believe with all my heart that today's woman can and must find this sacred intersection in her daily round. We've been given the spiritual tools of prayer, meditation, solitude, gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty, joy and daydreams.

"A dream is a scripture..."

If we seek divine revelation, we'll find it,
even if it occurs during a bus ride or while folding laundry.
End Quote 

Gratitude Journal

1) Finally going to workout! For the first time in like forever. I only did like half the workout, but I went!

2) Robbie helped me with a LOT of laundry today. Thank goodness. 

3) Good friends and play dates.

4) Mexican feast! Enchiladas, rice, nachos and guacamole. And don't forget the mexican jello.

5) It's bed time. Even though I got like 8 hours of sleep last night, I'm still exhausted. Good night, sweet dreams. 

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