Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29th - Dreams

"Dreams are illustrations...from the book your soul is writing about you."

Start Quote
We have dreams every night, 
though we don't always remember them. 
As you seek your authenticity don't be surprised
 if you start remembering more dreams. 

This is not a coincidence. 

We communicate our willingness for Divine revelation with daydreams, 
and our authentic self responds with a visual fax in the form of a nightscape.

Our dreams are Divine stories that reveal where we've been and why,
where we're headed, and the easiest way to get there...

Our Divine inscriptions are familiar faces, settings, objects, pursuits, dilemmas. We just need to make time to translate them. 

Dreams are also problem solvers. When we are perplexed about a course of action or need creative direction, we can seek Divine assistance through our dreams...Beethoven and Brahms would jump out of bed in the middle of the night to write down scores. Thoreau kept a pencil and piece of paper under his pillow...

The most informative dreams usually occur when we've gotten a good night's sleep and didn't go to bed exhausted or intoxicated. 

If you can't pick up a pen the moment you get out of bed because you have children, lie quietly before getting up, and run the dream consciously through your mind several times so that you can remember the gist of it. 

If you do find time to write it down sometime during the morning, you'll be surprised that your pen will reveal details you didn't even remember.

After a few hours of consciousness, however, 
even vivid nightscapes tend to fade back into the deep...
End Quote

I have been most unfortunate, 
I don't remember anything other than nightmares. 

The other night I dreamed that no one came to my recital, 
and none of my students performed.
And that instead of in three weeks it was today, and I still hadn't practiced, so I sat up there on the piano and froze. 

Before that I dreamed that we had a fourth baby, 
but I had a heart attack when I was 6 months pregnant
and they had to deliver him to save us both. 
I ended up in a coma for 10 months.
I woke up in bed, with the everything seeming normal
until Robbie said "okay, time to go get the baby."
I was like, what baby?
Whelp, I had missed the first 10 months of my baby's life.
And we were still at our old house, and everything was different.
I had a break down.

And then I woke up crying, shaking Robbie awake, 
telling him we could never have another baby because
I don't want to have a heart attack or be in a coma.

I have a hard time going to sleep sometimes, 
because I really hate nightmares. 

But I hope, that as I continue to find my authentic self,
that I may actually have dreams instead of nightmares.

Dreams sound nice.

Gratitude Journal

1) Wednesday! How is it already Wednesday? The week is going by so fast. I'm grateful that I haven't crashed yet. I'm trying so hard to be good and take care of myself.

2) The piano. I'm grateful my mom made me take lessons and practice, I'm grateful that I found a piano at a thrift store for like $100, and I'm grateful for my talents. I sight read a song yesterday and it was terrible...and then I played it again today and it was much better. In three weeks, I can do this.

3) When Michael Scott burns you. Wallace "I'll fax it over." Scott "Why don't you send over on a dinosaur?" Wallace "This is serious Michael." Scott "Then just email it David." .......... OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Is anyone else dying over how funny this is?

4) Nachos.

5) New recipe. I made salmon wrapped in bacon, with cranberry apricot chutney. SO GOOD! Yesterday the kids ate the lasagna. Tonight, the kids were begging for more salmon. What the heck is going on?

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