Sunday, December 17, 2017

December 17th - Act Two

I heard today that getting old sucks.

I don't know, I kind of like it.

Start Quote
I'm discovering that Act Two is much more interesting than Act One.
Act One just sets the scene - who our heroine is, 
where she came from, the forces that shaped her. 
It's in Act Two that the creative tension 
really begins to build as her story unfolds.  
Act Two is teeming with twists and turns as the pivotal moment of choice comes into view. Act Two reveals the dramatic center of her authentic plot. What will happen next? How will our heroine cope? How will she change?

We simply can't move into Act Two until we have several decades under our belt. Hopefully we're wiser, more experienced, self-confident, courageous, and canny. Suddenly, there's more depth and breadth to the scripts we create.
End Quote

Sure, getting older has it's drawbacks.
Your body doesn't work the same way it used to or hurts in places it shouldn't, and honestly who wants to do grown up things like pay bills and do taxes?

But, Sarah has a point.

I've always wanted to grow up, and now I am.
I'm going to be 28 in February, two years after that I'll be 30!
I can't wait to see what life has in store for me.

Also, to all you older ladies out there.
Love your wrinkles, love your gray hair,
and love whatever styles flatter your figure best.

Instead of everyone being so obsessed with turning back the clock, can we just be grateful and happy with the life we have lived and live all the days that are generously bestowed upon us without worrying about such trivial things as wrinkles? 

Honestly, you earned them, might as well love them. 

Act Two is only as wonderful as you make it.

Gratitude Journal

1) We survived church!

2) I tried a new recipe, and while the kids didn't eat it Robbie and I did and it wasn't half bad.

3) Cheese Nips. 

4) Water.

5) Christmas is almost here!

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