Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December 19th - Old Ladies

I have meet some very lovely old ladies...
and I have met some very not so lovely old ladies.

I remember one very specifically, we were in the doctor's office and I had all three kids, and one got too close to her I guess, and they were a little too loud for her liking, and she yelled at them to "shut up". 


Start Quote
Grow older, I shall.
Grow older gracefully, I shall try.

Grow into a crone?
Over my dead body...

But no woman need become a crone if she doesn't want to.
You can be a wise woman without being a hag...

The French call feminine Act-Two players "women of a certain age,"
and that describes a lot of women very succinctly;
we become more certain of ourselves as our authenticity emerges...

I think it's vital for us to change the concept of 
feminine aging from "invisible" to "vibrant"...

However, we really don't have to wait to start making attitude adjustment about second acts. We can start today...

Coco Chanel reminds us that "Nature gives you the face you have when you are twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But it is up to you to earn the face you have at fifty." 

As long as the face staring back at you is authentic, 
you can call yourself anything you want to.
End Quote

 I hope that if I ever get old and senile, that I'll still be happy, 
and not a grumpy old hag.

Gratitude Journal

1) Getting to see my best friend, not once, but twice. 

2) The Chaffee Zoo is amazing!

3) Watching my kids love the zoo and seeing all the animals.

4) No one died. Riley tried to eat one of the berry looking things at the zoo, and she vomited all over herself. Then Chase tried to swallow a huge chunk of orange and started choking. We're good. We're all good.

5) Bed time. Peace out.

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