Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1st - Charmed Lives

Remember when having charm was a good thing?

Well, it still is, don't get me wrong...

Today we're talking about the charm of the world.
We all want to live a charmed life, 
so much so that we forget to love what we have.

"There is entirely too much charm around, 
and something must be done to stop it." 

Start Quote
Charmed lives.

Crammed down our throats 
in the glossy pages of lifestyle magazines. 

Paid for with a portion of our life energy.

It's sick, I tell you, sick.

You know who was celebrated for having a charmed life?
Now there's a thought worth meditating on. 

Actually, we all have charmed lives.
We just don't have a conscious awareness of it, 
especially after reading about the airbrushed lives of other women...
End Quote

Sarah then tells us a story about Everywoman. 
Every, single one of us, is the same.
Every woman has "great sorrow, humiliation, pain, and despair",
some just wear designer clothes and appear in magazines.

Our own lives have their own charm.
Live them and love them.


Gratitude Journal

1) A lazy Friday, with some much needed rest. Because apparently I didn't get enough during the week?

2) Doing crafts with my friend...and glitter everywhere. Whoops.

3) Robbie said I looked like I could be a vampire from twilight because I'm so sparkly. HAHA. 

He really hates glitter. 
I did not know that until today.

4) Leftover pizza. 

5) My home. Especially now that it sparkles.

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