Saturday, December 2, 2017

December 2nd - Kiss Kiss

Start Quote
Every woman knows the subtle nuances of puckering up:
fly kisses, bye kisses, real kisses.

Lock-the-door kisses...

Passion ignites sexual energy or creative energy.
Your choice.

Every artist, if they're telling the truth,
will confess that when they're working at full throttle
- writing a book, making a movie, directing a play, 
preparing for an exhibition, rehearsing for a concert, 
choreographing a new pas de deux - 
the sex drive diminishes...

That's because we can make wild, passionate love
or make wild, passionate art. 
Rarely both at the same time. 
[Rarely...improbable, but not impossible.]

This natural sublimation process works just as well in reverse.
Found yourself in a solitary space as far as an 
intimate relationship is concerned?

Don't waste time sulking. 
Try not to get caught up in what's missing 
but what's presenting itself to you.

Dame Fortune's knocking.
Invite her in...
Fall in love with your authentic self.
There is nothing sexier than the woman emitting 
the pheromone of personal fulfillment.
You'll not be alone for long, unless you want to be.
End Quote

I love kisses.
I love to kiss all over my children, 
and then eat them.
Because they are delicious, and good enough to eat. 

Robbie has never liked public displays of affection.
And I love an extent. 
So we've reached a common ground over the last 7 years,
a little pda goes a long way.

Also, I never wore lipstick because I didn't like it going everywhere! 
I felt like I couldn't kiss my hubby, ever.
Lipsense changed all that.
Every time I kiss anyone they always have to double check 
that no color came off, and no color ever does
Riley especially, loves to try and transfer it from my lips to hers. 

Do you know what kills your sex life?
Then you take anti-depressants, 
which kills your libido even more.

Fun stuff, right?

Kiss. Kiss often.

Sorry about the terrible picture. I'm sure the digital copy is somewhere, 
but I didn't want to go searching for it at 11 o'clock. I just took a picture of the picture 
on my wall.....lame, but you get the point.

Gratitude Journal

1) Kisses. Sweet kisses, pecks on the cheek, even butterfly kisses. All kisses are good.

2) Cousin birthday parties and bounce houses.

3) Reading a book. I read an entire Jack Reacher novel in like 6 or 7 hours. Not straight, but in the last 24 hours. It was amazing. 

4) Not fearing a depression wave. 

5) 29 days left. 

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