Thursday, December 28, 2017

December 27th - Believe

Man, Sarah starts talking today and the first thing I think of is
Just Around The Riverbend.

"First we have to believe,
and THEN we believe."
-G. C. Lichtenberg

Sarah is on point today.

Listen up.

Start Quote
 As the season of Believing seems to wind down for the rest of the world,
please let me gently make something very clear.

Many dreams still wait in the wings.
Many aspirations are just within our grasp 
if we keep stretching.
Many hungers need nourishment.
Many yearnings must be acknowledged, 
so that they can be fulfilled.
 Many authentic sparks must be fanned before 
Passion performs her perfect work in you.
Throw another log on the fire.

This is not the day you quit.

This is not the day you cry.

This is the day you stare down every naysayer in your life 
who doesn't get it yet. 

Because you do. 
And now you know that faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen.

This is the day you shout, "I Believe!"
Keep on shouting it until you're hoarse.
No more muttering under your breath.

Do you know what happens every time a child says,
"I don't believe in fairies!"
A fairy falls down dead.

Do you know what happens every time a woman says,
"I don't believe. It's taking too long!"
The woman falls down dead.
Where it counts.
But it just might take another forty years 
before they get around to burying you. 
And do you know what they'll say as your ashes are scattered?
"I don't think I can ever remember a time when she was truly happy."
And they'll be right.

This is NOT the time you stop believing.
You simply can't afford the luxury of skepticism.

And what must you believe with every breath, until you do believe?
How about the mystical alchemy of style and Spirit. 
In the past a woman's spirituality has been separated from her lifestyle. 
But now you know this doesn't make any sense.

Never did.
Never will. 

Now you know that the union of Authentic Style and Spirit 
creates a woman of Substance.


So keep on believing that you have the passion, intelligence, brilliance, creativity, wisdom, clarity, depth, and savvy to find that quiet center of solace, serenity, and strength necessary to create and sustain an authentic life.

Every day is the prayer.
An authentic life is the most personal form of worship.

When you start believing, you'll discover that 
all things are really possible. 


Clap once again.

But let's really hear it this time!

Wow! That's better! 
Why, it's so loud, it'll wake up the dead.

Good for you. 
End Quote

Gratitude Journal

1) Robbie and I got to sleep in. It was amazing.

2) Meeting our new neighbors, they are super nice.

3) Giving away some of my mom's super yummy Christmas cookies and candies. It makes me happy to spread the love.

4) Robbie is super handy, it's seriously impressive.

5) And this, I'm grateful for this. All the time I got to spend with him today, and how productive we were.

 It was super dark in the garage, and Robbie added more light so we can see!
 We actually fit a whole lot of stuff in his little car.

 I started setting up for our open house, and I decided I wanted to go ahead and take the time to unwrap every piece and put them up for a little while. Maybe I'll put them February...

Look at all that storage space!  
And we're not even done. But we can't sleep in tomorrow, too much to do, too little time, and power tools are breaking so Home Depot bright and early.

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