Friday, December 29, 2017

December 28th - Ripples

"Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? 
Go forward and not backward. 
Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! 
Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad."

Start Quote
The first time you think you'd like to do something 
a little different from the way you've always done it...
you pick up a pebble.

The first time you actually DO it differently
- whether you're delighted or disappointed in the results -
you throw the pebble in the pond.

The pebble sends out tiny, barely visible ripples 
of movement toward the center.

No one else notices.

But the woman who threw the pebble...does 
IF she's paying attention.

It's the same way with courageous acts in your daily round.
They may be so small that only you realize something's going on.
But one day, all those small but indelible moments of 
private courage will burst through.
And both you and your world will have changed 
in an authentic moment. 

We become authentic the same way we become courageous.
By doing it.
Not by thinking about it...

The courage to embrace authenticity with joyous unrestraint is certainly something to celebrate by lighting a candle, raising a glass, and doing something completely unexpected that lifts our spirits.
End Quote

If you have not been invited to our Blog Party/New Years Eve Open House, I'm sorry you fell through the cracks! I've got a lot on my mind, and I wasn't sure who has been reading and would like to come. It's at my home Sunday night, and if you would like to celebrate with us you are more than welcome. Message me for details if you can come!

Because this definitely needs some celebrating.

Gratitude Journal

1) Robbie. He amazes me. Did the finishing touches on the shelving, and then tested it. If it can hold him, it should be able to hold all my bulk stuff. Yep. My hubby did that. And I'm super excited he didn't fall to his death.

2) My parents. While we were sawing and drilling and cutting and doing all kinds of dangerous work and running errands and such to get this laundry room project done, they had the kids. Two whole days! Not many people can take my kids for 48 hours straight. I'm so grateful for them. 

3) Everyone is sick! Well, I don't think they're really sick. I think it's just a little cold, a little tired from working/playing too hard, and I think Jacob had dirt thrown in his eyes and that's why they're red and puffy.......buuuuuuut......we'll see. I'm just grateful that everyone is alive, safe, and in my arms, even if not in perfect health. 

4) Three more days of blogging! Three more days of 2017! Three more days of vacation! 

5) Surprises and staying up late and being productive. I went to pick up the kids and bring them home, which meant two hours of driving and an hour of packing, and when I got home I found our bed torn apart. When I left I told Robbie I would vacuum under the bed later, so I was surprised to find the bed where it wasn't supposed to be when I got home. He wanted to really vacuum under there. And then he had this great idea to just get rid of the frame altogether. It squeaked something awful, and the amount of dust underneath was disgusting! And our dog likes to go under there and so do the kids, yuck. So we're trying something new. Sure we look a little more like college students, but it's really quite comfortable. And no more squeaking and no more dust! 

Anyways, I would have gotten to bed much earlier, but I kind of needed a bed to do that...which meant we had to finish what he started. Good stuff. 

The kids are probably going to wake up at 6, so, with that in mind I'll stop rambling. Goodnight!

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