Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 5th - Sighing vs Screaming

Get it yet?

Start Quote
I'm taking deep breaths for a very good reason.

Women sigh so that we won't scream.

There are several occasions in the course of 
any woman's day when, without question, 
screaming is the appropriate response.

However, on this side of an electrified fence, 
screaming is not considered good form.

So we sigh.

First we breathe in, quickly and sharply, inhaling reality,
 acknowledging the present situation...

We hold our breath for a heartbeat.

Then we breathe out, slowly and deeply, 
exhaling and letting go of our initial response - 
our dismay, impatience, frustration, 
annoyance, disappointment, regret. 
Letting it out. Letting it go. 

The act of sighing is a quiet vote of acceptance
- of "getting over it" and moving on...

So should you feel the need to sigh today,
by all means breathe slowly and deeply.
Breathe expressively.
Think of sighing as the hot air that 
makes rising to the occasion possible. 
Hot air that's pent up will eventually explode,
 and steam can burn.
But steam that's deliberately allowed to escape through 
a safety valve can be converted into creative energy. 

So sigh without hesitation. 
Sigh without guilt. 
Sigh without embarrassment. 
Sigh with pleasure.
End Quote


Just breathe.

It's going to be okay.

Gratitude Journal

1) Sleep. 

2) Kids sometimes are easy. They are happy with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or hodgepodges, like a mixture of whatever they want to eat. Like bagel, pear, juice, yogurt, mini wheats...sometimes kids are easy, and it's so nice.

3) TV. PJ Masks, and Matilda. We had some good laughs.

4) 20 days left till Christmas!

5) Indy. I love my dog. How much does a dog need to sleep? She sleeps a lot

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