Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30th - Foraging

"The whole thrill of junking is that you just know the next table will have what you've been looking for all your life."

Doesn't that sound a little like gambling?

It can definitely be addicting.

But as long as you don't get addicted, it is so much fun.

And it is a gamble.

Start Quote
Rambling and roaming, I rummage...
searching for nothing in particular 
and everything in general.

Why should I limit myself with expectation?...

Forging is good for the soul.

Often after we've made a major change in our lifestyle 
by tightening the purse strings
-whether it's voluntary or necessary-
a deprivation detox is required.

The world hasn't stopped selling, 
we've just stopped buying.

It's easy to start feeling a little self-pitying, 
especially when we are bombarded on all sides 
with the kind of slick advertising 
that pushes all our emotional buttons 

You may intellectually want to divest yourself 
of the desire for worldly goods, 
but the material girl in all of us 
still suffers from the "gimmies."

The best way I've discovered to hush her up 
is to take her out more often to outdoor stalls and sales...

It can't hurt to look.
End Quote 

"The strategy of flea market shopping is simple, yet complex.

If you go in search of a particular object 
your eye will 'edit out' other very suitable objects. 

This method sets you up for disappointment. 

However, if you go for the pleasure of it
for the mere hunt, 
you are bound to see something to come home with...

Don't forget that objects are not the only benefit 
to shopping a flea market. 
Your curiosity will be rewarded 
and you may come home with some great ideas 
- and the exhilaration is free!"

My mother-in-law came with us to Vintage Days, 
and she came home with some great ideas. 
She started creating, and they look great!

Sarah, along with Charlotte, has some great advice.

It doesn't have to be flea markets, 
it can be anything from thrift stores, 
yard, tag, garage and estate sales.

Always ask yourself if it's beautiful or useful
and know what you're going to do with it when you get home. 
You've got to absolutely love it, or don't take it home.

Also, bargain if you can. 
If you can get it for a better price, you should try.

"Foraging gives us the ability 
to view the old and abandoned in a new light
-reclaiming them from oblivion with creativity and choice, 
just as we do the days of our lives -
and redeeming them with love."

Gratitude Journal

1) A lady bug came to visit me today. Landed on me and stayed awhile. It brought good luck.

2) My kids and their singing abilities. I was inside and from outside all of a sudden I heard Jacob at the top of his voice singing "Single Ladies". It was incredible. I think we've maybe only heard that song a couple times. 

3) Finishing a bunch of laundry.

4) Actually making dinner. Sure it was a sandwich, but it was delicious.

5) Visiting teachers. I love visits, and I love that they usually bring me chocolate and a great message.

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