Saturday, August 26, 2017

August 25th - Performing Arts

Start Quote
Obviously, I was not destined to become a famous actress...
[You and me both sister.]

Although I adored acting
- the art, the craft, the lifestyle -
I reached the point where I could no longer handle 
the pain of rejection when I didn't get a part
- which happened most of the time.

Casting has absolutely nothing to do 
with how talented an actress you are 
and everything to do with how you look.

If your physical appearance doesn't match 
the director's interior preconception 
of what the character looks like, 
you may not even be able to read for the part...

Rejection, self-doubt, financial insecurity, and public criticism 
are all part of an actress's daily round. 
We forget this when we watch those glorious women 
all dressed up for the Academy Awards... 

[My daughter decided one summer that she wanted to do a]
 young actors' workshop run by a professional theater company...

The moment we walked into the darkened theater 
and I saw the bare stage and spotlights, it all rushed back: 
the smell of the greasepaint, the roar of the crowd, 
the chills, thrills, magic, mystery, and wonder. 

An empty theater pulsates with palpable creative energy. 
[Her] face was flushed with excitement, 
her eyes were ablaze, and she radiated joy...

No matter how brilliant we are,
a life in the performing arts is not always possible.

But a life enhanced by the performing arts is...

Either side of the footlights can 
illuminate your path toward authenticity. 
End Quote

Remember, that your life is art

Sarah and I have this in common. 
We have this desire to be on the stage, 
and yet this desire remains unfulfilled. 

In high school I tried so hard, 
I wanted so badly to be a leading lady, 
and that dream never came true. 

The closest I got was Peppermint Patty understudy for 
(the understudy show was fantastic, 
just in case you were wondering), 

and one of the evil step sisters for Into the Woods

I just wasn't what the director had in mind,
or I wasn't talented enough...

But I've come to accept that I will 
never stand under that spot light,
and that's okay.

But one thing I can do 
is go and see as many shows as possible. 

But of course that costs money...
tickets don't come cheap. 

And there's a lot of filth out there
masquerading as art. 

What are some of your favorite shows?

I love dance and musical concerts,
and good theater. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Thrift stores and thrift adventures. Oh my goodness. I found the most gorgeous floor length vintage navy blue dress and it fits like a glove, for $7. I also found nude high heels, FINALLY. I found a lot of stuff, which is why I don't go thrifting very often. I ALWAYS find something I "need", like the rest of our halloween costumes. And another Simple Abundance Book...How funny.

2) Angels. My cousin is literally an angel. She watched my kids today so I could go to a doctors appointment all by myself, and stayed in the house while they slept so I could have some fun me time. Just helping me out and spending time with me today because I needed her. She is an angel. I am so blessed that she is my family.

3) Good friends. This first week of school has been crazy! And I've forgotten about a few things with friends, and they totally understood. They are so amazing.

4) Being super productive. 

5) Cute kids. They all stripped to play in the water before bed, and Riley came in saying "Done!" and her butt was completely blue from chalk. It was the funniest thing. Smurf butt. Even better, there were blue butt and hand prints on the concrete. 

They can also be annoying as all heck. I'm mopping, watching them through the window, and I look up because I hear Jacob yell "I'm peeing!". And he's standing over the water peeing in it. In hindsight it's really funny. 

6) Hoarders. I watch it when I need to clean and when I go thrift store shopping to keep me centered. 

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