Sunday, August 27, 2017

August 26th - Movies

"Good movies make you care,
make you believe in possibilities again."

Start Quote
Instead of meditating today, 
let's just watch a movie...

"Studying movies for their mystical message empowers us.
We gain insight and greater self-awareness...

So much of life today is centered on 
problems, recovery, and the painful struggles 
of trying to meet the unrelenting demands 
of twenty-first century living.

Unfortunately, by dwelling only on problems, 
and thus failing to see ourselves and our dilemmas 
in a heroic, promising light, we limit ourselves. 

Movies elevate our sights, enlarge imagination.
Film, like poetry, is one of our heart's most subtle agents.
It reminds us of what we know, helps us stretch and change, 
provides us with a sensory catalyst for creative, cutting edge change."

Films are celluloid fairy tales for a culture that no longer 
sits around the campfire listening to the wisdom of its elders...

I think we all need the uplift provided by films that 
inspire, encourage, affirm, and celebrate the human spirit...

"Movies mirror us and invite us to go beyond the obvious.
Their themes and images can powerfully equip us 
to see ourselves as we are at our worst, and at our best, 
or to help us invent new scripts about who we hope to be...

Everything placed in our path can help us...

Certain films - like certain lovely people, 
glorious works of art or music, and special instances of prayer - 
seem a grace expressly given for our edification."
-Marsha Sinetar
End Quote

I love movies. 

I probably watch too much TV in general. 

But when you watch a good movie?

It changes your life.

I have no idea what my favorite is,
do you have a favorite?

Gratitude Journal

1) Family. We went over to my in-laws to play with cousins, and it was so much fun. Then they treated us to pizza. So not only did we have a great afternoon with family, but then I didn't have to cook. And pizza! We are so blessed.

2) Saturday. No school. 

3) After watching Hoarders for the last couple of days, I decided tonight I was going to finish a project. So that gorgeous dress that I bought yesterday that I needed to hem and put cap sleeves on, I did. It took me probably 3 hours...I had to take one sleeve off twice because it was crooked...And the blind stitch that I tried wasn't that blind...But I finished! Hopefully I can get a picture tomorrow when I don't look like a zombie.

4) Pizza. I ate an entire small myself. Just a little crazy, but so good.

5) Movies. I hate using them as babysitters, but on Saturday mornings they are life savers.

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