Wednesday, August 30, 2017

September 1st - September Resolutions

Finally! It's September!

We're finally moving on from Harmony,
and on to Beauty.

Start Quote
Beauty - beckons us to partake in her bounty.
Begin to reap the rich harvest that Love hath shown...

Since ancient times, September has been viewed
 as the beginning of the new year...

Change in the natural world is subtle
but relentless;
seasons seem to give way gently to one another,
even if the monthly motion is so swift 
we don't realize we're moving.
[Isn't this year just flying by?]

But when the leaves start turning colors,
it's time for turning over a personal new leaf 
so that our lives might be restored...

[Begin] a new tradition...
[create] personal and positive resolutions in September...

It seems to me that January resolutions are about will;
September resolutions are about authentic wants.

What do you want more or less of in your life,
so that you can love the life you're leading?

It could be as simple as seeing friends more often, 
setting aside time to have adventures with your children 
while they still want your companionship,
rekindling romance in your daily round,
calling a solitary hour a day your own,
or just taking more walks in the dazzling sunshine.

The beauty of autumnal resolutions is that 
no one else knows we're making them.

Autumnal resolutions don't require horns, confetti, and champagne.

September resolutions ask only that we be open 
to positive change.

I can try do that.
So can you.
End Quote

My September Resolution?

Call my best friend in who lives 
on the opposite side of the country more often. 
I miss her in my life, I want to make the time 
to hear her voice and talk about life. 

How about you?
Do you feel like sharing?

Gratitude Journal

1) The things Jacob says. Today he had a mini notebook and was telling me how he was going to read the Book of Mormons to me, and then kept saying something that sounded like "the Book of Mormon is the word of God"...maybe a primary song? It just made me really really happy. He knows that we're reading scriptures and that it's important! It's one of the best feelings in the world.

2) Growing up. Jacob has been a regular 4 year old, he stomps his feet and cries and yells at me when I ask him to do something, saying "I don't want to" no matter what I ask him to do. I've been trying to patiently teach him that when I ask him to do something, or his dad asks him to do something, or grandparents, or teachers, and it's a reasonable request, you say "yes mom" or "yes dad" even if you don't want to. Today he did it. I asked him to go to the bathroom, and he looked at me, smiled, and said "yes". I about cried. I kissed him and told him how proud I was of him. He smiled and laughed, and went to the bathroom. 

3) Strollers. I took my huge triple seat tandem stroller in and out of the car twice because the twins have not been very cooperative when walking Jacob to school, and it was driving me nuts. Jacob wants to ride his scooter, so now it's just two kids, now I want a double stroller...but I'd only need it for a year! Anyways, I'm grateful for my beast of a stroller.

4) Canned peaches from my Uncle's tree.

5) I dusted the living room. It took me just about 2 was really dirty. It feels so good to be clean!

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