Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28th - A Time And A Season

Start Quote
You cannot raise 
happy, secure, emotionally well-adjusted children,  
revel in a fabulous marriage,
AND work a sixty-hour week. 

You want to, I know.
So do I.

But we can't. 

It is physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually

We have tried.
We have failed.

We CANNOT circumvent the laws of Heaven and Earth
just because it would be convenient.
Just because it would fit nicely into our plans.

We have tried.
We have failed.

When we cannot do it ALL at the same time,
we ARE meant to do only SOME of it.

In order to find out what the "some" is to be, we need to ask:
What is it I truly want right now?
What is it I truly need?
How do I get it?
How much does it cost in life's currency?

This might be the season for you to wipe a runny nose.
That doesn't mean the season of 
running your own business won't occur. 

This might be the season of living out of a suitcase.
That doesn't mean the season of 
restoring a colonial farmhouse will never come. 

Making deals doesn't mean that 
someday you won't be making school lunches. 

The seasons of life are not meant to be frenetic, 
just full.

"You probably CAN have it all,"
Anna Quindlen muses. 
"Just not all at the same time. might have to make certain compromises
when your children are small.
But your children are going to be small
for a very short period of time...
it will go by in a blink of an eye..."

Blessed is the woman 
who knows her own limits.
End Quote

Gratitude Journal

1) Today is Thursday. That means tomorrow is Friday.

2) Having a productive day. Finally getting some stuff done!

3) Listening to the kids playing nicely.

4) Routines.

5) Music.

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