Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29th - On The Job

"When we truly care for ourselves, 
it becomes possible to care 
far more profoundly about other people.

The more alert and sensitive we are to our own needs, 
the more loving and generous we can be toward others."

Start Quote
Rituals of self-nurturance are 
the mortar that holds the day together... 

Think of a favorite cup and indulgent brews
that can be warmed in the microwave...

Set aside ten minutes at your desk with your cup
 and a closed door before the day officially begins; 
it can center you as you thoughtfully review 
what needs to be done. 

Ten minutes of quiet at the end of the day, 
straightening the piles on your desk, 
looking over tomorrow's agenda, 
can help bring an orderly closure to your day 
before you shift gears. 

Ten minutes in the morning, 
ten minutes at night.

No matter how busy we are, 
we all can invest twenty minutes to preserve 
the precious resources of time, 
creative energy, and emotion. 

Create a pleasing and pretty workspace...
[flowers, plants, pretty pens and paper, 
a pretty cup to put them in...]
Little civilizing details can make a tremendous difference.

Now create a comfort drawer.
Fill it with everything you ever wanted at work and didn't have:
a small sewing kit; safety pins; tampons [etc]...
Tuck in breath mints, a chocolate bar, 
and a couple blank greeting cards 
for quick notes to distant friends...

[A toy box, a cosmetic bag, aromatherapy...]

Stretch twice a day, especially if you work 
at a computer for long periods of time...

Remember feng-shui...

Every week or so, bring in something good to eat
(it doesn't have to be fattening)
in a pretty tin or basket to share.

Treating yourself well on the job is not impossible.
It can serve as a source of inspiration to bring out your best.
When starting a new project, ask yourself,
is there anything I can do to make this task more pleasurable?
If there is, do it.

The therapeutic value of treats in the workplace 
is probably the last thing employers think about as a benefit,
but it shouldn't be. 

Working happier accomplishes much more
than working harder.
End Quote

There is one thing that I will always need to learn and relearn,
how much I need to take the time for self care.

I remember in Seminary trying to learn
how important it is to read your scriptures and pray every day.

High school was extremely time consuming for me,
and so quite often I would make the argument
that in order to succeed in my studies 
I didn't have time to read or pray.
I couldn't afford it.

But the truth is, 
that we can't afford NOT to take the time.

Life is ALWAYS going to be busy.
There is always going to be something pressing, 
it will always feel like there's never enough time in the day
to get everything done that you want to or that needs to get done.

If we don't take the time for self care,
to feed our souls and nourish our spirits, 
we WILL wither away. 

But you won't take the time, 
unless you believe it's important. 

And you won't believe, 
until you take the time to take care of yourself 
and see if it makes a difference. 

On Monday when you go to work, 
give it a try.

For those of you who work at home, 
the same rules apply. 

Life should be enjoyable,
but it will only be if you make it so.

Gratitude Journal

1) It's Friday! I'm so glad this week is over. 

2) Conference weekend! 9 o'clock you know where I'll be tomorrow.

3) Uncle Harry's strawberry bagels. 

4) Robbie's office had a bbq this afternoon for lunch, because they try to apply the principles in today's blog, and the leftovers came home with us. I am so grateful that there was hot and delicious food, because by dinner time I was so done we were going to have cereal...

5) Book series. I'm on book 6 of the Jack Reacher novels. I love them.

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