Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6th - Wholeheartedly

"Work is love made visible."

Complete sincerity and commitment.

Start Quote
Most of us do not consider our work a personal form of worship

Work is worldly.

Worship is withdrawing from the world to honor Spirit. 

But could there be a more beautiful way 
to honor the Great Creator than by 
contributing to the re-creation of the world 
through our gifts?

This is what we're called to do each day through our work.

Yet it is very difficult to get even a glimmer of the holy
when we are harassed, unappreciated, 
overwhelmed, frazzled, and burned-out...

"No matter what we do, 
we can make it our ministry...
No matter what form our job or activity takes,
the content is the same as everyone else's;
we are here to minister to human hearts.

If we talk to anyone,
or see anyone,
or even think of anyone,
then we have the opportunity 
to bring more love into the universe...

It's easier to imagine that our work could be our worship
if we could perceive the sacred in how we spend 
at least eight hours of the day.

Perhaps the secret to coming to this awareness, 
no matter what our present circumstances,
is to discover the work we would love to do. 

But until we do, 

Today you can begin to transform 
your workplace and your working style 
by considering how much you have to be grateful for. 

If you have a job, even one you dislike, 
it's a safety net as you take a leap of faith toward your authenticity;
if you're out of work, the path already has been cleared for you 
to answer your authentic calling...
End Quote

My dad told me once, maybe twice, 
that if you're not going to do it with your heart
you might as well not do it at all.

I am so grateful that he told me that, 
because I've been doing it ever since. 

I first remember him telling me this 
when he asked me for a back rub.
I whined and complained, 
and didn't really put any effort into it.
And then he told me that if I'm not going to do it wholeheartedly,
I shouldn't do it at all. 
It snapped me out of that teenage funk,
at least for a moment,
long enough to let the message soak in,
and I'll be forever grateful.

Like if you're only giving service to get worldly recognition,
you might as well not be doing it.

If you're just giving lip service and don't mean anything you say, 
you might as well keep your mouth shut.

Whatever you do, 
do it wholeheartedly. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Texting. And that everyone has a camera on their phone now.
I promised them a candy if they would get in the hole. 
Yes, I bribe my kids.

 And at first it was great!

Until Chase tried to get out.
Thank you Papa for taking the pictures so I can forever remember those faces.

2) The ocean. Did I tell you that on the morning that we went looking for shells that we saw a pod of dolphins, a sea otter, and a seal. The ocean is one huge place, it's incredible. I wish I could be a mermaid, and that all the sharks were my friends so I wouldn't have to worry about getting eaten.

3) Nap time. 

4) I actually finished a craft! We spent maybe $50 on two huge bags of clothes and a giant box of housewares at this amazing distribution Goodwill center in SLO?...I got a shoe and a glass vase for Riley's room decorations, and instead of just putting them in my craft room to do later, I got out the spray paint and just did it! I won't show you a picture, because it's a pretty poor paint job...I'll never do graffiti, I'm horrible at spray painting. But now she has a gold high heel to hold jewelry, and a pretty gold and pink vase with flowers...Yay!

5) Robbie got me a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils. He's adorable. You've Got Mail, just in case you didn't get it. Sure, my kids have tried to stab each other with them, and tried to sneak them to color on the walls, but ya' know. 

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