Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8th - What Do You Want?

Today Sarah continues talking about work, jobs, career, etc etc.

Many of us find ourselves in a job 
that we've been doing for what seems like forever,
and we don't want to leave because it's familiar. 
Maybe we're good at it, maybe we're not, 
maybe we like it well enough, 
but maybe it's not our calling.

Start Quote
Familiar feels safe...
feeling safe and secure seems the emotional definition
of sanity... 

Not knowing what you want to do can be very disconcerting.
You want to go forward but find yourself standing still,
overwhelmed by the options or the risks. 

This doesn't surprise Barbara Sher. 
In the ten years since Wishcraft was published,
she's heard many people claim 
that they wanted to live passionately,
but that they were stymied and unable to use her Wishcraft strategy 
because they didn't have the foggiest idea what excited them. 

This made her extremely curious, 
so she started meeting with groups of people 
who didn't know what they wanted out of life. 

As they shared their stories, she discovered 
a common thread of discontent;
everyone was unconsciously engaged 
in an internal battle for control of direction.

But however directionless they felt, 
their lives were filled with authentic clues. 

They just didn't know how to look for them.

Some of the reasons Barbara heard 
for not pursuing a passionate life included:

"I'd have to quite my job to get what I really want
and I can't do that - I'd starve."

"Every time I try to go after what I want,
I drop the ball and I don't know why."

"I want to do so many things, 
I'll never be able to pick only one."

"How can I walk away from success?
And what will I live on if I do?"

"I want something I shouldn't want
- it's trivial or unworthy."

"I don't have Idea One what to do now."

"I've tried so many things and nothing does it for me."

"It's not my fault I'm not doing what I want
- the world won't give me a break."

"I'm trying to go after something,
but my heart's not really in it,
and I don't know why."

After helping these people realize that they really did know 
what they wanted to do, she knew there was another book to write:

Whether we realize it or not, 
there's a good reason behind everything we do or don't do,
every choice we make or avoid. 

We can't go forward if we don't know what's holding us back.

If you suspect that one of those frustrated, angry, 
discouraged, or timid voices sounds awfully familiar, 
you'll find wisdom and reassurance in Barbara Sher's suggestions 
for discovering your authentic dream.

The price we pay for authenticity may seem high, 
but who among us can truly afford 
to continue living as a spendthrift of the self?
End Quote

I love The Notebook.

Another classic tale of finding what the heck you want,
and then choosing to go with it. 

Even though it will be hard. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Playing board games with Robbie. I beat him for the first time at Rummikub! I won!!!

2) Doggie kisses.

3) Lazy afternoons. We watched cartoons and cuddled, just me and the kids. After a crazy long week, it was so nice.

4) Left overs.

5) Clean comedy. 

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