Saturday, September 9, 2017

September 9th - Fear, Love, And Courage

"You gain strength, courage and confidence
by every experience in which you really stop
to look fear in the face...
You must do the thing you cannot do."

Start Quote
 At [Emily Bronte's] end,
which is really only the beginning for many of us,
came the inner awareness that she had lived courageously.

She had lived authentically

Of course, she had known dark moments,
but in the darkness she'd come to trust
that a Power greater than her own 

This Love was so transformative 
she wrote to her sister, Charlotte,
that It "Changes, sustains, dissolves, 
creates and rears" as It leads...

Make no mistake, when you start on the path to authenticity,
Love will change you, transforming your life in countless ways...

Love will sustain you when passion's path 
takes unexpected twists and turns.

Love will dissolve your fears 
by creating opportunities you couldn't have imagined
 before you began the search to discover and recover 
your authentic self.

And when doubt, despair, and denial 
threaten to dismantle your dreams,
Love will rear up in your defense...

No coward's soul is yours.

I know this, even if today you don't.
I know this because you wouldn't have come this far 
on the Simple Abundance journey if you were a coward...

I have come to the realization that 
feeling afraid is Spirit's signal to ask for grace and Power.

So take a deep breath,
seek your quiet center,
and push on.

One of the hardest lessons we ever have to master
is accepting that all fear comes from within
however major are the real life's circumstances assaulting us.

The closer we get to giving our dream to the world,
the fiercer the struggle becomes to bring it forth...

How many exquisite, glorious dreams sent to heal the world
has Heaven mourned because the dreamer,
relied only on her own strength and could do no more?

Today if you feel afraid, 
take comfort in remembering that 
courage is fear that has said her prayers...

Dreams are gifts of Spirit meant to alter us.
Trust that the same Power that gifted you with your dream
knows how to help you make it come true.
End Quote

I am not afraid.

If you say it enough times, 
you may just come to believe it.

Gratitude Journal

1) Saturdays! I love them. Especially when I spend an hour or so fixing a few garments, and making a dress for Riley, and one for myself. I'll take a picture of mine tomorrow so you can see.
So I didn't realize that this shirt was so long, it ended up being a maxi on her.
 She started twirling and Jacob said "You're a princess! I'm a prince! Dance with me!"
 So cute. How did I get so lucky?

2) Hardwood floors. We started potty training the twins today...I've been putting it off for what feels like forever. Chase has been crying whenever his diaper gets wet, and they've shown interest in the toilet, so I knew it was time, I just wasn't ready yet. Only 6 accidents total? And all on the hardwood floor...not counting the movements in the pull-ups. I thank God for my hardwood floors. 

3) Robbie. He's been pretty awesome these last couple days. I don't know what I'd do without him.

4) My dad. He brought down some of the mismatch furniture that was my sister's. It looks so pretty in Riley's room. I can't wait to get her pictures up too. I'm so grateful that I get to put some pieces of my sister in my house, to remind me of her every day. I miss her.

5) Learning to say no and accepting my limitations. I had a very busy and productive week, and after what felt like an entire night of nightmares and trying to watch the twins every second today as they learned the ways of going on the toilet, I crashed around 3:30. I just couldn't take it anymore. We were late to a family party, we left early, and I went down for a nap. We had an event tonight, and I just had to say no. I couldn't do it, and that's okay. I'm now going to eat dinner, and get my butt to bed, because I'm about to pass out. Yes, it's 8:00pm...don't judge me.

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