Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11th - It's Always Something

First, I want to make something clear. 

Yesterday was about poise
and then I woke up and I knew I didn't have any today. 
Today I didn't want to get out of bed, and I have not 
changed out of my sweats and I refuse to wear a bra.  

I wanted to make it clear, 
that you can't be on your A game every day.
You're not going to be able to have poise every day,
sometimes it's just not possible.  

And that's perfectly okay.

Just wanted to be clear.

Start Quote
 Sometimes it's a damn nuisance. 
Sometimes it's soul shattering.

But it's always something.

It's real life
End Quote

Sarah talks today about cancer, 
and how you shouldn't wait until 
you have a life threatening illness
to start living your life!

It's always going to be something, 
something earth shattering like cancer or the death of a loved one,
and sometimes it's just a bad day...just a nuisance.

Don't let them ruin your life.

Live your life, and be happy.

Gratitude Journal

1) My new friend.

2) Easy dinners.

3) The Chronicles of Narnia. C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. And the movies aren't half bad. My kids are loving them.

4) Mcdonald's play houses.

5) Making Halloween costumes. I'm so grateful that a few lines sewn here and there, a few snips and some cuts and ta da! Costumes. I also am grateful for candy, it's the only way I could bribe the kids to stand still while I pinned.


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