Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 24th - Worrying About Money

"Concern should drive us into action 
and not into a depression."

Worrying never did anyone any good.

Start Quote
Worrying about money never paid a bill.
 If it did, at least there'd be a 
legitimate reason for indulging in worry.

Actually, worrying about money repels,
rather than attracts, prosperity
- not exactly what we had in mind.

Worrying about money sends toxic signals:
fear, lack, deprivation.
When your subconscious mind 
continually receives negative impulses,
it duplicates in your daily round
whatever it was instructed to manifest,
such as fear, lack, deprivation.

Don't panic.

Every little thought you've ever had doesn't instantly materialize.
Thank God.

The results of our thinking can take years to appear in our lives,
but as a woman thinketh, so doth she experience...

Love is the most powerful positive emotion in existence.
Love attracts. 

 [So don't sow worry.]

[But] thinking about money [even in a positive way]
every minute of every day until the millennium 
isn't how I choose to live. 
But what are the alternatives to worry?

calculate whether you have enough money 
for all your needs TODAY.
[That means make a budget!]

If you do, stop focusing on lack this minute...
Anytime you have more than you need,
you have abundance.
Catch yourself the next time you start 
dwelling on what you don't have;  
switch tracks by noticing and appreciating all you do have.

As this becomes a personal habit, 
you'll find yourself coping well with 
any amount of money you have, 
rather than worrying about it.

Worry is a future-tense emotion.
Worry is a projection of a possible
 - not necessarily probable - scenario.
Will there be enough?
Where will it come from?
How long will it last?...

Instead of worrying, consider what 
ACTIONS you could take to create money. 

"Ask yourself, 'How can I 
CREATE money today?'

There is an enormous difference in the 
energy you send out to the universe when you focus on 
CREATING money rather than NEEDING money..." 

Transforming every "What will I do?"
into "What CAN I do?"
fuels your fiscal creativity, 
restoring a sense of peace as you pursue prosperity

"Constant worry about money 
blocks your creativity and clear thinking," 
Roman and Packer remind us. 
"When you have very little money, 
you are learning many lessons that will 
make it easier to handle money when it comes. 
To break through this level, you may need to 
keep your life simple and uncomplicated in terms of 
money, expenses, demands and needs. 

Think of yourself as the rose bush that is cut back in the winter 
so that it may grow strong in the spring."
End Quote

This is one thing that I will never understand about 
those who cry for more government aid.

I appreciate help given when help is needed, 
for goodness sake our family needed WIC for almost a year
and Robbie and I both used FAFSA to finish our last few semesters of college.

But I also know that individuals 
create more wealth with less waste 
than the government does.  

At least, smart individuals who are wise with their money.

Let me tell you from my personal experience,
I am very grateful for the financial help and 
that we live in a country that is so giving. 
 But we did not get out of "poverty" because of the help.

We got out of "poverty" because Robbie worked his butt off
and improved his skills and knowledge and made himself 
a valuable asset to the company, so much so that 
often times it seems they can't function without him. 
He has decreased waste and increased their profits, 
and that's why they pay him "the big bucks". 
And because we live within our means.

You can not blame the world for your troubles. 
You can not expect to live a middle class life
working a minimum wage job. 

If you want to make more money, 
you have to figure out how to create it,

Hopefully that doesn't mean taking money from someone else
and creating even more laws and taxes to do so. 

If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty conservative,
and I'm pretty much an objectivist
Politics and politicians aside, I dislike all of them in all parties.

Please also consider how many rich people you know...
in my experience, they worked smarter and harder.
And I'm not talking crony capitalism,
I'm talking about the honest to God American Dream

Anyways, long story short,
don't worry. 
It won't help a bit.

Gratitude Journal

1) Learning lessons. Do not run into doors. I repeat, DO NOT RUN INTO DOORS. Not fun. Do you see the welt on my eyebrow? Ouch.

2) Dinner with a friend, and our kids playing together.

3) I'm almost done with Halloween costumes. I'm so grateful and excited.

4) I'm grateful for my cute kids. Seeing them smile at me and knowing that they love me and I love them, it's the best thing in the world.

5) I'm so grateful for my whole house fan and these cool fall nights. Now if the days could just be cool as well, that would be nice...but you know, I'm grateful for what we do have.

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