Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 16th - The Big Kahuna

Lately I have not been thinking about waves as being good things, 
something to be desired, or even sought after.

But today we're going to move away from depression waves,
and talk about the waves we actually want to seek.

I never surfed, but I did boogie board. I loved it! Until I got bit by a seal...
But let me tell you, there is nothing better than that 
rush of catching and riding a really good wave.

Start Quote
Whenever we experience the Flow, we experience a luminous liftoff:
we're alert, soaring, unselfconscious, authentic, moving at the peak of our abilities. We forget food, drink, sex, sleep. 
We're fueled by...Love. 
Calling forth our gifts at the top of our lungs to a celestial "Bravo!"
Reveling in our passion. 
We don't need positive-thinking mantras to motivate us;
happiness propels us at Warp 9 toward our aspirations. 
Obstacles dissolve in the Flow.
Toxic emotions, anxieties, and depression disappear.
We're in this world, but certainly not of it.
Here we experience a profound pleasure not found in the erogenous or erroneous zones, a peace that surpasses our puny understanding. 
Exhilaration. Joy. Transformative transcendence...

The bad news is that we don't ride the big Kahuna often enough. 
The good news is that the Flow can be invoked and induced...

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has been pioneering the scientific study of joy, scrutinizing altered states of "optimal experience," those moments when we feel deeply connected with Real Life, which he labels "flow." 

He believes that exhilaration can be part of everyday life...  

"How we feel about ourselves, the joy we get from living, ultimately depends directly on how the mind filters and interprets everyday experiences...Whether we are happy depends on inner harmony, not on the controls we are able to exert over the great forces of the universe."
End Quote 

Learning how to ride the wave.
Serious life skills needed.

Gratitude Journal

1) I'm feeling better! Still not 100%, but am I ever? It's always something. 

2) Leftovers. I'm so grateful that they haven't spoiled.

3) Refrigeration and power.

4) Shelter from the rain. And bugs. How is it that in the middle of November there are still mosquitoes!?

5) The kids were throwing fits, so I figured they were tired (I know I am). Robbie and I put them to bed early. And not a minute later they were quiet and asleep. Unbelievable. Now I'm off to bed, hopefully this cold can officially be declared gone by tomorrow.

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