Sunday, January 7, 2018

New Year, New Goals

I don't know about you, but I've had a 
very nice and refreshing week off from blogging.

Well, okay, it wasn't exactly refreshing. 

Last Sunday, the last day of 2017, I felt the cold coming on.
Robbie had it, the kids had been a little boogery and coughish,
and then my throat started to burn.

I pushed through it on Sunday,
but then Monday it hit me like a load of bricks.
 I didn't do anything Monday, or Tuesday, 
except the bare minimum of keeping the kids and myself alive.  
Wednesday I made it to the zoo, and they had a lot of fun,
but by the end of it I was more than done. 
So done I didn't do anything on Thursday either.
Friday I was feeling a little better, we went on another playdate,
and went to Costco, and I cleaned the garage and some of the house......

By Friday night my eye was bothering me. 
Saturday my eye was still bothering me, but it didn't look bad.
Then we went on a spur of the moment bowling trip with my parents, which I unfortunately could not properly enjoy because I was feeling worse and worse with every passing moment. And then we went to a birthday party, because not only did we want to see our friends and support them, I know a thing or two about what it feels like when no one shows up to your party
And we had to leave early, because by then I couldn't see out of my eye it was gunking up and it hurt so bad.

This morning I couldn't open it it was so swollen. 

I feel like my body is trying to tell me
"What in the world do I have to do to get you to stay home
Oh, highly contagious pink eye. This will work.
This will keep you home."

Thanks body. Thanks a lot.

I had no idea that you could get pink eye from a cold.
And viruses you just have to let them ride their course.  

So today, just to be safe, I wore a makeshift eye patch.

I felt like this.

 But let me tell you, I did not look quiet as bad a. 
Then Jacob wanted one, just like mine, 
although not covering his eye.
So we played pirates all day long, and even watched Sinbad.
I overheard him in the bathroom talking to himself,
pretending his penis was a sword...because he was a pirate.
Oh little boys. They're so funny.

So besides having a rough start to the year, 
it's been pretty darn good so far.

Have you made and written down 
your New Years Resolutions yet?

On Friday I was asked what I was going to do this year,
and as I started sharing I realized I had forgotten some of them.
My friend literally tsk tsked me, and told me that if I didn't write them down then I never would remember and they weren't going to happen.

She's not wrong.

I thought about how I was going to write them down, 
and since I loved blogging so much and I got so many people telling me how much they missed my blog this week, I thought why the heck not do it again? Although, I WILL NOT be blogging every day. That was crazy.

Here are a few of the things that I want to accomplish this year.
This is not your typical resolutions list...these are not goals that have to be met by the end of 2018. But they are things that I want to do in my spare time, in the evenings, when I get a moment to myself. And as I work my way to accomplishing them I will share with you.

The big one, the one that is actually 365 days long.
I'm not going to touch my eyebrows. 
I will not pick, pluck, wax, thread, nothing nada zip.
I don't know how many of you know, 
but I have an obsessive compulsive disorder called

So here's the first week of no picking.
And my swollen eye, it was twice as large this morning...

Can you tell how thrilled I am? I really didn't want to share this picture, but I need someone to help hold me accountable. And if I don't share a picture of my eyebrows with you now, I never will, and then I might be tempted to back out of my goal and start plucking them again.
Sorry about my gross eye.

The next 365 day goal is to read my scriptures and pray every day.
But then I got really sick this whole first week of the year...
How about I'm going to read my scriptures and pray a whole heck of a lot more than I did last year. Every day that I'm not sick.

The next ones are not every day ones.

      • Make more time for friends. More double dates, more play dates, more get togethers etc.
      • I want to write my own piano lesson materials and books. I've got my own unique style, and I have a terrible memory and often forget to share things.
      • I want to do more crafts. I have easy Halloween costumes planned, so no need to go crazy there. But I have several t-shirt memory quilts I've wanted to do, some for me and some for other people that need to be done. I want to do a few more wreaths, I want to make cards and send them to people etc etc...
      • And crafting doesn't happen because my craft room looks like a toddler played in it, but really it was just me. And it's not just my craft room! I have a really hard time putting things away, so this year I'm going to fix that. If I take it out I'm going to put it back. If I open it I'm going to close it. If I throw it on the ground I'm going to pick it up. If I take it off I'm going to hang it up.
      • Exercise! I am so excited to exercise this year! The last few months of 2017 I was so depressed I made every excuse not to go, this year is going to be different.
      • Speaking of depressed, I am really excited about this one. So I had gotten into the habit of dressing like a homeless person when I dropped Jacob off at school. I just didn't have the energy to get dressed properly. This year is going to be different. I've been learning a lot at therapy, and I feel like with the new year I have a new look on life. I know I'm going to have another depression wave, but I know how to handle it better. And I have faith that I'm strong enough to beat it. And when my strength fails I know who I can turn to and rely on theirs, I just need to reach out and ask. To be more specific, I'm going to get dressed every day and I'm going to do better with my self care: force myself to shower and to exercise.
      • Once the twins are in school I will actually have a few hours completely alone during the day, I'm going to start researching going back to school to get my Masters/Doctorate in Physical Therapy. This might be put off till 2019, but if I'm not doing research into school I'll at least be reading my books and re-learning all of the things I've forgotten. If you don't use it you lose it, and I have not been using it.
      • Revamping my blog. Just because 2017 is over, doesn't mean I'm done with simple abundance. I'm going to go through and fix some mistakes, add content, etc etc. It was really difficult to write a well written post in one night. I'm going to enjoy taking some time with it.

So, what are your goals for 2018?

I've got a good feeling about this year.
It's going to be a good year.
A really good year.

Gratitude Journal

1) Robbie let me sleep so much today. I think I fell asleep around 9 last night, and woke up around 11. And then we all took a nap, and he watched the kids again so I could sleep more. Yeah, I'm so grateful Robbie let me sleep so much. 

2) No one else has gotten pink eye, or this nasty of a cold. I would feel terrible if I spread it to anyone. I've been using hand sanitizer like crazy.

3) Listening to the kids play today. It was simply magical.

4) Cuddles with my kids. They know I'm sick, and they would just come up to me randomly and give me a hug and a kiss, stroke my face or my hair, or do random things for me that I didn't even ask them to do. Jacob all of a sudden jumped up to go get me a drink of water, proclaiming that water would make me feel better.

5) When the kids ask me for things. They asked me to read to them, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Riley got out of bed and very sternly told me that we had to do something. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what she was saying, so after a few attempts I just said okay, and she knelt down and rested her elbows on the bed and I was like OH! Pray! That's what she was saying! And then I about cried. 

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