Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 18th - Playing it Safe

Sarah's got some great stuff today. 

Start Quote
Many artists feel they'll be "found out,"
sooner or later...

For when we create, 
although we know that a Higher Power 
works with us and through us, 
the Work comes into the world with OUR name on it. 

THIS is the artist's struggle.

If we don't create, we snuff out the Divine spark.

If we do create, we feel we're showing
 a false face to the world 
because we know we didn't do it alone, 
even if nobody else does.

But the struggle and the scam stop 
once we cease denying our talent 
and become willing to own it
- humbly, gratefully, and respectfully -
and then share it with the world...

[Today Sarah shares some insight into the parable of the talents.]

Now the third servant arrives to explain that 
because the rich man is such a hard taskmaster, 
he thought it better to play it safe by burying his talent 
so that nothing would happen to it.

The master is so enraged that the fool didn't possess 
the common sense to deposit the money in the bank, 
where at least it could have collected interest, 
that he angrily seizes it back...

The cautious servant is thrown out into the darkness 
where he begins weeping, wailing, and gnashing his teeth
 - and with good reason.

It hurts like hell when the world won't invest in you.

But it's excruciating, almost more than you can bear, 
when you don't believe and invest in yourself. 

This is a parable about creative risk.

We feel sorry for the servant who buried his talent because, 
as Elizabeth O'Connor points out, 
"his cautious, protective measures seem very reasonable."

The master comes off as a thug, 
throwing the poor soul into darkness 
without comfort or pity 
just because he's played it safe. 

Since most of us do play it safe in life, 
this story makes us very nervous. 

It's meant to.

Many of us squander precious natural resources 
- time, creative energy, emotion -
comparing the size of our talents to those of others. 

Today, ask Spirit to call forth your authentic gifts, 
so that you might know them,

How can we live richer, deeper, and more passionately 
if we aren't willing to invest in ourselves?

Many of us have played it safe for too long 
and wonder why we are miserable.

Playing it safe is the riskiest choice we can ever make.
End Quote 

I can't honestly say that I've ever taken a real risk, 
at least when it comes to art.

But I've taken a few in life.
Not that I can remember many, I have a terrible memory.

I count getting married, but ya' know.

Robbie's first job when we were first married was great,
but it was also very horrible. 
It was driving us apart, and not making him a very nice person.
So we decided to take the risk and switch jobs.
We had Jacob, were pregnant with the twins, had a mortgage, 
and found a new job that provided a better environment
and a $30,000 pay cut. 

It was one of the best decisions we've ever made.
And the risk payed off.

Robbie wants to start his own business, 
and he asked 
"if for some reason everything goes south, 
would you be able to give up the house?"

My answer is yes. 

Because it's a risk worth taking to help him live his dream.

But of course, I also know that he wouldn't 
start such a venture half cocked. 
The risk of losing everything would be very very small.

I want to go back to school, 
get my Masters and PHD...

to me that's risky. 

How about you? 
Please share those risk stories, 
the ones where you took the risk 
and everything worked out.

I want to hear them!

Gratitude Journal

1) Conversations with my four year old and where they lead. He was describing a bike to me, and how it had two wheels, two pedals, and he was showing me how they moved with his hands and arms. And then I mentioned handlebars, and thought of this song. We then had it stuck in our heads the entire night. You're welcome.

2) Sunsets. The sky is so beautiful.

3) I took the time to make a dress today. Basically all of Riley's clothes were dirty, so I spent 20 minutes and ta da! I bribed her with pink lips so she would keep trying it on as I adjusted things. I used to love this shirt, but it's just not me anymore. It looks much better on her, don't you think?

4) Having a good hair day. I actually did something with it other than put it in a pony tail. As it came undone after a full day of work, it was still looking awesome. Instead of looking like a hot mess, the whispies looked like they were there on purpose! I told them to make a fierce face, and this is what we got.

5) It's Friday. And it's bedtime. Goodnight ya'all.

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