Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 17th - Own It

"To live fully,
outwardly and inwardly,
not to ignore external reality 
for the sake of the inner life,
or the reverse 
- that's quite a task."

Today Sarah tells us about her first book that was published,
and it's all about Mrs. Sharp

Start Quote
To my way of thinking, 
Mrs. Sharp was everything I CLEARLY was not:

serene, incurably optimistic, and deeply spiritual.

Her life was harmonious
because she successfully managed the 
delicate balance of living in the world 
yet remaining apart from it.

with a deep appreciation of the past
an enriched sense of the present
and a joyous anticipation of the future. 

reflecting in its beauty, order, comfortand good taste 
her authentic style. 

She was a compassionate confidante and true friend,
 who empathized, encouraged, and inspired. 

I absolutely ADORED Mrs. Sharp...

How could I claim to be 
this extraordinary woman's alter ego?...

By distancing myself from the creation of the book, 
I became unable to bask in the accomplishment 
of bringing it into the world...

I accepted compliments, praise, 
even gratitude for having written it...

Having achieved a long-sought goal, 
I wondered why I felt so empty, unfulfilled, and confused...

[My sister] said gently but firmly...
"Stop referring to Mrs. Sharp as if she's a separate person.

You're Mrs. Sharp, even if you don't believe it.

She is who you are deep within.

You have got to start owning your talent
or you'll lose it."

[She] believed the source of my discontent was that 
I was refusing to accept responsibility for my talent. 

I wouldn't "own" my talent, as in "claim it."

Nor would I "own up," as in "admit to," 
the truth that I was an artist...

I had bludgeoned my true identiy as an artist 
with the blunt instrument of disbelief, 
then buried my authentic self with denial. 

But WHY didn't I own my talent?...

Perhaps it was because IF I failed
I would have to own any failure as much as any success, 
and I didn't want to "fail better" anymore. 

I wanted to live a creative life 
and I thought my creativity could only be owned 
if the world acknowledged that I possessed it...

Having accepted the Great Creator's assignment and run with it, 
I had both the right and obligation to own
- and to share -
the work that resulted.
End Quote

It has taken me a long time to own my talents.

Goodness knows I've worked hard enough to develop them.

To say "Thank You" 
and mean it.

To be happy with what I've done, 
with God...

Go on, own it. 
You know you want to.

Gratitude Journal

1) Good books. 

2) The dentist was over with quickly. And I just got to sit there and stare at the sun rising for awhile, that was pretty awesome.

3) Robbie brought home dinner because I had such a bad day I didn't want to cook.

4) Robbie was treated very poorly at work today, and he handled it brilliantly. Fighting meanness and rudeness with kindness and bluntness and professionalism. He's awesome. 

5) Helping others. 

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