Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28th - Home As Art

"Home is the heart of life...
Making a home is a form of creativity..."

Doing things for my home is one of my favorite past times. 
Put a bunch of picture frames together, 
and then putting pictures in them being the cherry on top.
Doing a project to make our home more functional
or more beautiful, be still my heart. 

I love it.

Start Quote
Even if you feel you haven't the eyes to excel in the visual arts
the personality for the performing arts,
or the patience for hand arts
you can still explore the delights and pleasures 
of making your home an authentic art.

There are many decorating artistic skills involved 

Craft can become art when we refinish furniture, paint a a slipcover, lay tile, stencil a favorite line of poetry on a kitchen wall, trim a pillow, lay a flower bed...

Learning to create your own authentic home furnishings 
can also wake up your identity as an artist...

Home art begins with recycling. 
"We all know how much appalling waste goes on all around us every day. My credo is to re-use as much stuff as possible always...because if you make something wonderful out of a castoff you are saving its energy and making a little less clutter. 

Here is the challenge: to turn a piece around, rework it, make it totally your own, your style, your signature."...

With a little elbow grease, ingenuity and the sweat equity of time, the marvelous can materialize right before our eyes. 

Today, be willing to be adventurous with just one small project.
End Quote

Projects don't always have to be expensive, 
but sometimes they aren't cheap. 

Things are not as hard to do as they may seem.
Be brave, be courageous! 
There are plenty of online tutorials.
Go for it.
It's much cheaper to do it yourself.
Sometimes you can do it yourself, 
and sometimes you can't,
and sometimes you shouldn't. 

Quite often they take a long time to put together. 

It took us a two years to finish the living room, 
and a couple hundred dollars. 

I bought a large plaque at a thrift store, 
and it sat for a year in my craft room before I finally 
took the paper picture off, sanded it, painted it, and hung it. 

My friend just shared with me the 
dining room table and chairs she just finished. 
Let me tell you, gorgeous!

My Nana wants my help redoing and adding 
curtains to her kitchen.
We've been putting it off for awhile, because hey, life is busy,
but I can't wait to help her with that project!

Lately I've been watching Hoarders while I do things.
It keeps me in check, since I have some hoarding tendencies.
I often have to go through my craft room 
and discard projects and things that take up so much space 
because I wanted to do them but haven't. 

Don't be a hoarder.

Don't just leave projects lying around your house!

Instead of watching TV tonight, 
do a project.

Only accumulate as many projects as you can realistically do, 
and that you have a space for in your home. 

My favorite thing I've seen on Hoarders?
It was today as I was doing the dishes.
Watching Hoarders gives me a lot of incentive to clean.

I saw this.

Look closely, do you see it?
A Simple Abundance book. 

The irony is too funny. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Robbie is home! He's been gone since Thursday for work, and he has been sorely missed.

2) Junk TV shows, like Hoarders. 

3) Good movies, like Toy Story.

4) Line drying laundry. 

5) Looking fabulous. Today it was a black shift dress, plain with lace on the bottom from a skirt extending slip. I haven't worn black since my rebellious teenage years, it feels awesome. Again, the picture doesn't do it justice...I fear my pictures never will. I guess that's okay, that means real life is better :)

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