Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 29th - Everyday Artists

"Love is the spirit that motivates the artist's journey."

Sarah has been trying to convince us from the beginning,
that real life is art and that we can be artists.

It started with the idea that 
our life isn't a dress rehearsal, it's the real deal.

Then she shared with us how beauty can change our lives,
and how life IS art and that we are the artists

How we can change the way we view ourselves,
that we are indeed beautiful, all shapes and sizes.

How our clothing is used to express ourselves, 
and of course our hair and makeup

She taught us about the aesthetic movement
and how our homes can be as beautiful as Eden.

About gardening, and flowers


Having fun for funs sake and loving life.

Figuring out what our gifts are, and where to start.
To listen, to have courage, not to be afraid to fail
and to be original and true to you. 
She's saying it again today.

Start Quote
I believe with all my heart 
that the ability to bring forth art from real life 
is a gift every woman possesses.

Whether we choose to nurture this perfectly natural endowment 
is quite another matter.

Admittedly, the concept is almost impossible to register 
when we're exhausted, overwhelmed, and frazzled...

You may not draw, paint, sculpt, knit, sing, dance, or act,
 but baking a cake could be as much a work of art 
as choreographing a ballet, 
if you approach it with as much dedication.
[Baking a delicious and beautiful cake is not as easy as it looks.]


So is coaxing a tired, hungry toddler
(with infinite patience and persuasion)
to do whatever it is you need him to do at a given moment. 

So is graciously entertaining unexpected company 
with what's on hand and turning it into a memorable feast 
with candlelight, wine, laughter, and lively conversation.

So is helping a friend through a personal crisis, 
comforting an aging parent, 
or planning a preteen's birthday party.

Whatever you're about to do today 
can be transformed into art...

Women are artists of the everyday.

The world does not acknowledge or applaud everyday art, 
so we must...

St. Francis of Assisi explains the creative process this way:
the woman who works with her hands only 
is a laborer;
the woman who works with her hands and her head 
is a craftswoman;
the woman who works with her hands, her head, and her heart
is an artist. 

Labor in creation is showing up to do the Work. 
Craft is how you go about doing it.

Are you there in mind, body, and spirit?
Are you taking your time or are you rushing?...
Do you hum while you're doing it,
enjoying the process of creating,
as well as the anticipation of the product?

If you do, Love is present. 
Love is the spiritual energy that induces elevation
- the transcendent moment in creation
when craft becomes art. 

It takes a lifetime to create the work of art 
for which we were born:
an authentic life. 

Say it aloud: I am a brilliant, gifted artist of the everyday.
My art is a blessing for me and mine.
End Quote 

What more can be said?

Do you believe you're an artist yet?

I do.

Gratitude Journal

1) My night off. It's so quiet, and so good.

2) Piano lessons. I love teaching, I love my students, and I love seeing them progress and learn how to play music and become artists.

3) Spaghetti.

4) Soda. Oh my goodness, sometimes you just need one and it's so good.

5) Life. I'm so grateful for life.

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