Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 25th - Open The Door

"Tell me...of a woman who 
'would not exchange her solitude for anything.
Never again be forced to move to the rhythm of others.'"

Start Quote
It's impossible to experience solitude regularly 
for any extended length of time 
without personal passions and authentic longings 
surging to the surface of your awareness...

Solitude cracks open the door 
that separates two worlds:
the life we lead today 
and the life we yearn for so deeply...

Begin slowly but resolutely. 
Take comfort in knowing that even 
stolen moments of solitude
-quarter-hour increments-
eventually can add up to a lifetime of serenity.

Don't expect too much too soon, 
especially when rearranging your schedule 
means dealing with your family's expectations 
of what you're supposed to do 
and when you're supposed to do it. 

Be patient.
End Quote

Gratitude Journal

1) Any chance to dress up I take it. Sole 2 Soul in Riverpark has a 5k summer series, and it is awesome. Tonight was Disney and Asics night. I got to wear a new pair of shoes for the race! Super cool. I've always loved Asics. And of course, my mom and my cousin are awesome. My mom matched me! And my cousin wore the only other Disney costume I had. We had a blast, we had fun and we were fit. And we looked fabulous. Running in those costumes, not too bad. It was worst for my mom though, poor thing had the head piece.

2) Butter. I'm grateful for butter, and soap and water and washcloths to get it off of, well, everything.

3) Foam curlers. I put them in my hair at 10 this morning, and by 5 my hair was so curly! My hair looked better as it deflated a little, but ya' know.

4) This was one of the most fun nights off that I've had in a while. I'm grateful for Robbie, that he takes the kids and gives me this time.

5) Jamba Juice. 

6) Little kids looking at us in awe. So cute.

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