Sunday, March 12, 2017

March 11th - Second Thought

Sarah starts off with some 1940's Pond's cream advertisements. 

Did you know advertisements could look like this? 

Neither did I. 

Pond's went through a "New Age" series, where they focused on 
the inner you matching the outer you. 

Sounds a bit like bringing your authentic self into reality doesn't it?

Some of the quotes from this advertisement that I liked are

"Her lovely face gives out to you the bright Magic of Herself...

For her face gives out to you her delightful Inner Self. It sends you messages of her individuality, her responsibleness, her charming femininity...

Your face is the You that others see first.

Make sure it is showing the real You happily - at your very best. 

You should.

You can."

Sarah's was 

"You can feel it within you - an inner drive for happiness.

The close interrelation between this Inner You and this Outer You, 
the almost uncanny power of each to change the other 
- can change you from drabness to joyous self-fulfillment."

I get all that if I wash my face?

But it's not just washing your face is it. 

Sarah said

"There is an important reason why we should give a second thought to our personal appearance, even when we're alone:

the inner joy we experience when we look our best."

It's true. 

Just take the other night for example.

Sure I could work on my selfie skills. Half my face is too bright and the light has taken away my makeup, so half my face has my full makeup and half doesn't...Not the best picture, but I wanted proof that I actually looked amazing (and I did, the picture doesn't do it justice).

Not only did I look amazing, I knew that I looked great and I felt great too. We were going to a company party and I was going to be talking to lots of people, some I knew and some I didn't, and I wanted to make a good impression. Sure I was nervous, but I put it aside and told myself that I am awesome so I should 
just be my beautiful self. 

And we had a great night. 


I felt the joy. 

It's a lot more than just washing your face and brushing your hair, isn't it?

Think about how you should prepare, and how the details matter, and how life is not a dress rehearsal.

Gratitude Journal

1) Lazy Saturdays. We had an amazing, lazy, Saturday. We slept, we read, we visited, we ate, we watched a movie, we were productive at times. It was amazing to have nothing to do so we did what we wanted and did it together. 

2) Only the twins. Jacob was swept away this weekend, and he's having a blast. He has fun, the twins have fun, everyone has fun. Maybe not as much fun as Jacob, but still fun.

 I wish everyone had this kind of love in their life.

3) Dogs. Robbie and I realized cats kind of suck. They stink of litter box and they are selfish. You never know if you have a cat if they'll tear up your house or if they'll love on you all the time or never. Dogs kind of rule, I'm so grateful for Indy.

4) Good books. The Great Apostasy was AMAZING. Finishing it was even more so.

5) Going over the budget with Robbie. Thank you Mint for making budgeting easier. I'm grateful that we know how to budget and that we have been so blessed with his job and that I can stay home and we still live within our means and save. Not all are so fortunate, I am very grateful. It gives me great peace of mind.

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